This year’s International Compost Awareness Week, which ran from 2-8 May 2021, was marked by a webinar on 19 May involving a number of presentations from composting associations such as the US Composting Council, Ecomondo and Carbon Clarity.

The presentations, which can be accessed through the following links, included:

Putting a value on compost by Dr Jane Gilbert from Carbon Clarity

Bio-waste management and carbon sequestration potential by Massimo Centemero and Marco Ricci from the European Compost Network

Organics recycling across Canada from the Compost Council of Canada

The state of composting in the US by Frank Franciosi from the US Composting Council

Composting and carbon sequestration in soil – recognising the potential in the climate change debate by Peter Olah from the Australian Organics Recycling Association by Alberto Confalonieri from the Italian Composting and Biogas Association

Composting in the UK by Jenny Grant from the Renewable Energy Association.