Mission & Vision
The potential for bio-based solutions to contribute to the UK economy is skyrocketing.
Our Mission
The BBIA exists to champion the industrial bioeconomy to accelerate the development and adoption of bio-based and biodegradable materials and products through advocacy, collaboration, and education.
Our purpose
We do this to reduce the impact of human consumption on the planet.
Our vision
Our vision is for a more sustainable future, where the UK is a global leader in developing, manufacturing, using and exporting bio-based and biodegradable solutions.

BBIA is affiliated to many other organisations and groups who we collaborate with to further our joint missions:
- REA – The Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology
- IBioIC – The Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre
- BIA – The Bioindustry Association
- UK Plastic Pact – The UK Plastics Pact
- DEFRA – Resources and Waste Strategy Advisory Group
- European Bioplastics – The European Plastics Association
Company Documents
Memorandum and Articles of Association
Articles of Association for the Bio-Based and Biodegradable Industries Association (BBIA) LTD