“Research on financial and employment benefits of the sector to the British economy to be presented soon” says BBIA founder David Newman

London, Wednesday 8 April 2015 – The circular bioeconomy sector, currently under-represented in public and political debates in the UK, will have its own Bio-based and Biodegradable Industries Association (BBIA). The trade body will become operative shortly after the General Elections and will present in early summer a first report on the potential financial and employment benefits to the British economy of the use of compostable materials as a road map for the new Government.

“We will immediately engage policy-makers, civil servants and the public to help establish a more competitive, innovative and sustainable Britain. Over the next decade, the circular bioeconomy may play an increasingly important role in boosting the UK economy by revitalising rural areas and obsolete industrialised sites while providing more growth and jobs” said founder David Newman, currently President of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) and former Managing Director of Greenpeace Italia and Secretary General of the Italian Bioplastics Association.

The bioeconomy is already a solid and successful reality in Europe where according to the EU commission it is worth nearly €2 trillion and provides more than 22 million jobs. The sector encompasses the sustainable production of renewable resources and their conversion into food, feed, fibres, materials, chemicals through efficient and innovative technologies, which provides widespread economic, environmental and societal benefits.

BBIA was formed in less than two months after being tentatively named BABBC. It will promote the production and use of bio-based and biodegradable materials; encourage investment opportunities; develop scientific analysis of environmental and economic impacts; intervene on matters related to waste management, soil, air and water quality; define nationally and internationally recognised standards and certification programmes.

The founding members are BASF, Biobag, Biotec, EuroPackaging, Fuchs, Innovia, Novamont and Sinvestec. They elected a seven-member Board which will meet for the first time on April 24th to define the first steps of the activity and elect the President , Vice President, Treasurer, Director and Technical Director.