BBIA is partnering in a consortium awarded a EU grant under the Horizon 2020 programme. The project, Res Urbis, led by the University of La Sapienza Rome, will experiment in the production of polyhydroxy acid (PHA) from the organic fraction of Municipal Solid Waste. Beginning in 2017, the project will last three years and has a total value of €3 million.
BBIA has the role of coordinator of the stakeholder platform, and will be engaging with producers, researchers and potential users during the experimentation phase.
We hope you will be interested in participating in the stakeholder platform from 2017 onwards.
BBIA is also a partner in the project proposed under the leadership of the National Technical University of Athens, on a similar theme, called Waste2Products. Whilst this project also passed the threshold for financing with a vote of 13 points (a pass is 12), it has been held in reserve awaiting to see whether finance is available.
We remind all colleagues, members and potential partners that BBIA is available to participate in the BBIJU call closing this September and if you are interested in working with BBIA on a proposal please contact us on