The European Commission has organised a conference, ‘Reinventing plastics – Closing the circle’ (26 September) to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the new strategy for plastics that is under development.
The Commission announced that it would be creating a strategy to create a more circular plastics industry at the beginning of the year and published a roadmap ahead of the strategy’s publication towards the end of 2017.
The strategy intends to support and complement the existing acquis and tackle the interrelated problems of fossil feedstock dependence, recycling and reuse and plastics leakage into the environment. The strategy is being informed by a number of technical studies and a wide variety of stakeholder engagement activities.
This conference is an important opportunity to explore issues and potential solutions to be proposed in the plastics strategy.
The conference provides an opportunity to:
- Set the plastics strategy within the broader context of EU actions to ‘modernise’ the economy and contribute to jobs and growth. The conference will introduce the main subjects of the strategy, with the aim of building support for the strategy and promoting understanding of the potential role of the Commission in delivering action.
- Engage with stakeholders on the plastics strategy and obtain high level feedback.
The programme for the event can be found on the European Commission’s website.