BBIA member Novamont has joined the New Plastics Economy as the initiative’s sixth Core Partner. The leading bioplastics and biochemical company joins the initiative’s existing Core Partners, Amcor, The Coca-Cola Company, MARS, Unilever and Veolia, and a group of more than 40 stakeholders led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, which are collaborating to rethink and redesign global plastics packaging systems.

Novamont brings to the initiative its leading expertise in the sector of bioplastics, and in the development of bio-based and biodegradable products obtained through the integration of chemistry, environment and agriculture. Such developments have the potential to contribute to the biological cycle within a circular economy, which seeks to preserve and enhance natural capital. 

Dame Ellen MacArthur, Founder of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, said: “The ultimate goal of the New Plastics Economy is to design a system where plastic packaging never becomes waste, and can re-enter the economy as either a valuable biological or technical material. In order to solve the plastic packaging problem globally, we need to effectively re-think the entire chain because currently, not one producer, retailer, manufacturer or processor of plastics can do this alone. The whole system has to shift.”

The New Plastics Economy initiative will present its latest research findings and action plans to business and government leaders on 16 January at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland.