A high-level workshop is planned to discuss the huge growth within this sector and how it can contribute to the creation of the Northern Powerhouse.
The Bio-based and Biodegradable Industries Association (BBIA) has organised a workshop in support of the UK Bioeconomy to be hosted by BioVale at the University of York in partnership with a number of supporters including the Knowledge Transfer Network, CPI, IBioIC on the 28th April.
The workshop is open to all stakeholders within the industrial biotechnology sector to discuss and develop the UK bioeconomy. Recent months have seen the growing potential of the industry increase and this workshop will endeavour to enhance the strategy.
David Newman, Managing Director of BBIA, said: “This is an excellent chance for leading experts and institutes to showcase the huge growth in the industrial biotechnology industry and demonstrate the potential to investors and policy-makers.”
“Throughout the day, various presentations will be made ranging from an overview of the current industry landscape to the focus of creating speciality ingredients from renewable resources.
“BBIA is excited about the prospect of exhibiting the tremendous progress we have made as the industry explores how it can contribute to the establishment of the Northern Powerhouse.”
The creation of the Northern Powerhouse is a central objective of the industry and is fuelled by work undertaken in the Industrial Biotechnology Leadership Forum (IBLF). The workshop has many advantages to interested parties as there will be a showcase of innovative products and projects that are both readily available on the market but also in preparatory stages for market.
Potential investors will be convinced of the opportunities within the sector and also the landscape of the sector will be carefully explained. Stakeholders will have numerous and invaluable networking opportunities and research institutes will be able to network and link with policy makers along with the prospect of attracting investors.
The workshop will commence at 10am and will finish at 5pm and the speakers include Ben Pearcy from BioVale, Joanna Dupont-Inglis from EuropaBio and John Williams from S’Investec. The venue has a limited capacity of 100 places and confirmation of participation will be given on a first-come-first-served basis.
To register, please go the BBIA website and follow the link to events – www.bbia.org.uk
For directions to the venue please visit the University of York website https://www.york.ac.uk/ and then follow the links to the Ron Cooke Hub on the Find Us tab.
A pdf of this press release is available here.
A full programme of the event is available here.
About BBIA
The potential for bio-based solutions to contribute to the UK economy is skyrocketing.
BBIA’s mission is to unite those working in the biodegradable and bio-based industries and to develop partnerships with those who share our vision: to put the bioeconomy agenda at the centre of the political debate on sustainability and economic growth in the UK.
To open up opportunities and standards in the emerging green economy market, BBIA will work with companies and organisations involved in the production of bio-based and biodegradable chemicals and polymers for the benefit of the environment.
About BioVale
BioVale is an initiative to build the Yorkshire and Humber region’s capability and reputation as an innovation cluster for the bioeconomy. Its activities include supporting and promoting: networking and dialogue; research, development and demonstration; regional bio-based supply chains and inward investment and trade/export. BioVale is supported and steered by regional industry, research organisations, higher education and government. BioVale’s activities are managed by BioVale Limited, which is a not-for-profit company.