YPack – Food Packaging for a Circular Bioeconomy

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We are proud to present the results and lessons learned from the YPACK collaboration project on sustainable food packaging.

The final conference will be held online on the 1st of October 2020, 10-12 am CET.

During this conference, several speakers will present what sustainable solutions the YPACK project has to offer the food packaging sector. The key aspects of the project, from research innovations, consumer research studies and evaluations for the food processing industry, will be discussed.

Additionally, a panel discussion of stakeholders will discuss the challenges and opportunities for compostable bio-based packaging for food products.

We are looking forward to welcoming you online on the 1st of October!


For more information visit: https://www.ypack.eu/2020/08/31/ypack-final-online-conference-1st-of-october/

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