Webinar: Food waste: Compostable liners and packaging

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BBIA has published two new pieces of evidence that are of relevance to all those in the resource and waste industries.

The first is a 10-year perspective on how the UK can ensure best practice when food waste collections will be mandated from 2023. This paper underlines the role compostable packaging has to play in ensuring clean organic waste streams are brought to treatment and then back to the soil as compost and digestate. The paper can be downloaded from the BBIA Policy and Reports page.

The second piece of evidence has been prepared by the consultancy Sancroft International. This looks at the cost and benefits to the UK in mandating the use of compostable caddy liners for food waste collection. There is a cost: is it justifiable? Is it proportional to the risk of contaminating our soils with increasing volumes of plastic fragments? Does it give better overall results for the nation? You can download the report and its detailed economic analysis from the BBIA Policy and Reports page.

BBIA is organising a webinar on 25 January 2021 at 2pm BST to discuss the Sancroft findings in the context of an efficient resource and waste management system.

Confirmed speakers and panelists include:

  1. Pendragon Stuart, Sancroft International, who will present the report on methodologies for food waste collection
  2. Tony Breton Novamont, who will present the policy paper published by BBIA on the role of compostables
  3. Enzo Favoino Zero Waste Europe, who will present on Italian bio-waste collections and implications for policies in other EU countries and the UK  
  4. Kathy Nichols, Judy Proctor, Richard Fairweather Environment Agency, who will give an update on potential changes to biowaste treatment standards and permits
  5. Chris Preston, Deputy Director, Resources and Waste, Environmental Quality, DEFRA

Panel discussion includes the above speakers and Jenny Grant from REA, Adam Read from SUEZ, Sian Sutherland from A Plastic Planet, Sam Hinton from ADBA and Philippa Arnold from NFU

You can join this webinar for free by registering via Zoom. A detailed programme will be issued at the beginning of January 2021.

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