The last use of fossil fuels: making chemicals without oil and gas

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Learn how we can create chemicals without relying on oil and gas at our event!

In this talk Liam will summarise the analysis in the recent Green Alliance report “The last use of fossil fuels: making chemicals without oil and gas”.

This explores the need to transition away from fossil fuels as a source of carbon in chemicals, and the challenges and trade offs of the alternatives, namely biomass, chemically recycled plastics, and e-chemicals from captured CO2.

Alongside accelerated efforts in demand reduction and resource efficiency, the report makes the case for a green carbon mandate on chemicals. With appropriate sustainability standards and border mechanisms, such a mandate would set a long term signal to the industry to invest in alternative feedstocks.

Liam Hardy is a senior policy analyst at the environmental thinktank Green Alliance. He researches technical and policy solutions in areas including industrial decarbonisation, power decarbonisation, and methane emissions.

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