The final conference for the Resource Recovery from Waste (RRfW) programme, the Resource Recovery from Waste Conference 2019, will bring together five years’ of research to highlight the relevance of resource recovery for a clean, low-carbon and resource efficient economy.
The conference will showcase the key achievements of the programme covering: technologies and approaches to recover resources from industrial, mining and organic wastes; novel assessment tools to optimise the value created in resource recovery systems across multiple domains (economic, technical, environmental and social); and a shared vision for the transition a the circular economy, bringing together academic, government and industry perspectives.
The conference will aim to highlight where changes in policy will be needed to realise the full benefits envisaged for the UK economy, society and environment. A panel discussion will review current progress in implementing resource recovery approaches, and identify the future challenges and opportunities ahead.
Confirmed external speakers and panellists:
- Laura Sandys, runs 21st Century Energy Regulatory Commission with Imperial College, is Deputy Chair of the Food Standards Agency, and is working on the Resources Sector Deal;
- David Tompkins, AquaEnviro, Head of Knowledge Exchange and Innovation;
- Peter Quinn, Tata Steel, Head of Climate Change, Environmental Policy and Strategy;
- Adam Read, SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK, Director of External Affairs, and incoming President of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management, CIWM
- Andy Rees, Welsh Government, Head of Waste Strategy
- Jacqui Murray, Innovate UK, Deputy Director – Faraday Battery Challenge
- Jim Wharfe, Environment Consultant
- Ned Garnett, Natural Environment Research Council, Associate Director of Research
The conference will also hear from heads of the six projects that make up the Resource Recovery from Waste programme: MeteoRR, B3, R3AW, INSPIRE, AVAnD and CVORR.
For further details and to register: Please visit the RRfW Conference 2019 webpage. Please note, early bird registration closes on 16 December: a limited number of free places have been made available for public/third sector organisations.