Plant Based Summit – The Biobased Solutions – International Conference and Exhibition

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The Plant Based Summit conference aims to stimulate biobased product development through a market driven approach. The conference programme intends to demonstrate how a higher uptake of biobased solutions in everyday-life products will benefit to consumers and meet their expectations.

In 2017, the programme will particularly address the markets of home and personal care, pharmaceuticals, construction, packaging, transportation, coating, adhesives, as well as a dedicated cross-market stream on biobased solutions for infants and kids (toys, cosmetics, etc.).

The Plant Based Summit presents the latest developments and solutions to more than 700 international public and private decision-makers. Participants to the conference typically include end-users, producers of biobased intermediates, biomass producers and transformers, R&D specialists, business angels, investment funds as well as European and national decision makers.

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