HDTBioPol Workshop

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The HDTBioPol project workshop will present the results of the development of  the High Heat Deflection Temperature Bio-Polymer (HDTBioPol) and its potential applications.

The Innovate UK-funded project has made significant progress since its previous half-day workshop last year. This year’s workshop will comprise short presentations from all consortium members detailing the development and production scale-up process, along with regulatory accreditations and examples of application prototypes. Following the formal presentation, there will be ample opportunity to meet the team and discuss the project over a buffet lunch.

The workshop will be held on 24 June 2019 between 10.30 am and 2pm at The Mine@NW1 room at the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) HQ.

Please confirm your attendance to Dr Gary Ogden at garyogden@wellsplastics.com by 10 June 2019 to ensure suitable catering.

A map with directions to the IOM3 HQ is available here.

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