European Bioplastics Conference 2017

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The 2017 edition of the the European Bioplastics Conference will showcase just how biopolymers are “Making the Difference” in driving innovations forward for more sustainability, resource efficiency, and functionality.

It promises to dive into a wide range of important areas, including the latest technological innovations in new building blocks, alternative bio-based feedstocks and process routes, advances in end-of-life solutions outside industrial composting, bioplastics food packaging, as well as brands’ perspectives on the use of biopolymers.

Some of the highlights this year include:

  • Sandeep Kulkarnik, PepsiCo Global R&D;
  • Kevin Vyse, Marks and Spencer;
  • Steven van Bommel, BiOBUDDi;
  • Joanna Dupont-Inglis, EU Bioeconomy Panel;
  • Ramani Narayan, Michigan State University;
  • Marie-Hélène Gramatikoff, Lactips;
  • and many more.

European Bioplastics will also publish the latest bioplastics market data update during the conference. A dedicated session on biodegradability will shed more light on the current discussion on biodegradation outside industrial composting, including presentations by Andreas Künkel from BASF speaking about biodegradation in soil and the use of biodegradable mulch film in agricultural practices.

Sam Deconinck (OWS) will share information on the status of standards and legislation on AD-able products, Francesco Degli Innocenti (Novamont) will present the latest developments in standardisation efforts for marine biodegradation, and Erwin Lepoudre (Kaneka) will introduce biodegradable applications based on PHBH.

Another highlight will be a session dedicated to new building blocks featuring Synvina, Covestro, and VTT Chemical. A panel discussion on the mechanical recycling of bioplastics will explore the options for biopolymers, which will be of great interest against the background of the upcoming EU Plastics Strategy and the revision of the EU waste legislation. Panelists include Karin Molenveld (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research), Steve Dejonghe (Looplife Polymers), Helmut Schmitz (Grüner Punkt), and Jasmin Bauer (Knoten Weimar).

A full programme for the event can be downloaded here.

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