CommBeBiz – Bioeconomy Impact 2017: Research to Innovation

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The CommBeBiz annual event, funded by the EU, is designed to challenge, support and inform researchers on their quest to innovate in the commercial, social and policy arenas.

Researchers receiving EU public funding are now expected to demonstrate the value they have added to industry and society from the investment made in them.

Through keynote speakers and workshops, the event will aim to enhance key skills, (social media, IPR, PR, funding etc.) needed for the innovation process, also provide a valuable networking opportunity and insights into innovation success stories and stumbling blocks, in the Bioeconomy.

Who should attend?

Not just EU funded researchers, but anyone with an interest in ensuring that current or future publicly-funded research has a meaningful impact on European society this includes researchers, industry, policy-makers, incubators etc

A full agenda is available here.

Only 100 places available so if you wish to attend register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

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