APRSG: Building our Industrial Strategy – A way forward for resource efficiency?

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The Government’s Industrial Strategy green paper, launched on 23 January, makes a brief reference to resource efficiency, stating:

“The Government will work with stakeholders to explore opportunities to reduce raw material demand and waste in our energy and resource systems, and to promote well functioning markets for secondary materials, and new disruptive business models that challenge inefficient practice.”

But what does this mean in practice? What should the final industrial strategy say on resource efficiency, and how can resource efficiency contribute best to an industrial strategy? The Government consultation on the issue poses the question: How can government support businesses in realising cost savings through greater resource and energy efficiency?

This event will answer these questions, among others, and provide a forum for leading members of the sustainable resource community to discuss a significant aspect of our future sustainable resource and waste policy for many years to come.


Lord Fox Liberal Democrat Spokesperson on Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy


David Newman, Managing Director, Bio-based and Biodegradable Industries Association

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