Bio-based Materials Regulatory Science and Innovation Network Launch

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Join the BBIA, in partnership with University of Sheffield, NNFCC, Perspective Economics, Higginson Strategy and Resource Media, for the launch of our £500,000 Innovate UK project, creating a UK Bio-based and biodegradable materials regulatory science and innovation network (BB-REG-NET).

Bio-based and biodegradable materials regulatory science and innovation network (BB-REG-NET)
BB-REG-NET implementation will establish a network of BB-Material stakeholders, with the aim of developing new tools, standards and approaches to evaluate the quality, performance and environmental and economic impact of BB-Materials, to assess benefit-risk and facilitate sound and transparent regulatory decision-making.

BB-REG-NET will:

  • Generate evidence using regulatory science tools, such as standards, metrics, peer-reviewed research, to inform policy and assist regulators with complex decisions.
  • Develop stronger partnerships across the regulatory innovation ecosystem, bringing together different disciplines.
  • Share knowledge to inform evidence-based policymaking, allowing the sound assessment of risks and benefits of BB-materials.
  • Provide business-growth opportunities by removing barriers to the commercialisation of BB-materials, which are essential to a UK circular bioeconomy and sustainable economic growth.

Some of the key areas that BB-REG-NET will cover to aim to improve policy, regulations and standards are:

  • Feedstock availability and sustainability
  • Infrastructure and end-of-life of BB-Materials
  • Environmental impact and product safety, including LCA, biodegradability standards, microplastics, development of labelling systems
  • Economic impact, including how changes to regulations can stimulate economic growth
  • Market acceptance and consumer awareness, including communication, certification standards and labelling


  • Introduction to the BB-REG-NET Team
  • BB-REG-NET Aims
  • BB-REG-NET Working Groups
  • How to get involved
  • Q&A

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