10th International Conference on Bio-based Materials

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The 10th International Conference on Bio-based Materials, organised by the nova-Institut, is aimed at providing international major players from the bio-based building blocks, polymers and industrial biotechnology industries with an opportunity to present and discuss their latest developments and strategies. The conference builds on successful previous conferences: 300 participants and 30 exhibitors mainly from industry are expected.

Bio-based building blocks for polymers will be one focus of the conference. Plenty of new bio-based building blocks, such as furan derivatives, succinic acid and 1,4-butanediol, are entering the market and thus give the opportunity to create brand new bio-based polymers. Another focus of this year will be the oleochemical industry, which as an established industry with bio-based raw materials sets numerous innovative accents.

As an event that strives to highlight innovation, the conference will again dedicate a session to young and promising start-ups. High-potential start-ups from the field of bio-based chemistry, polymers and biotechnology are invited to present themselves to industry and get in contact with potential investors. To further honour and acknowledge new developments in the innovative bio-based chemicals and materials industry, every year the participants of the conference choose the winner of the Innovation Award “Bio-based Material of the Year”.

Call for papers

If you would like to present your latest products, technologies or developments, please send us the title and an abstract of your presentation as soon as possible.

Please send your proposal to: Achim Raschka, achim.raschka@nova-institut.de

Call for papers for start-ups

Young and promising start-ups are invited to apply for a slot for the start-up session. Please send us a document presenting your product, process, used feedstock and target markets and also highlight the real innovation and the benefits of your product/technology.

Please send your proposal to: Achim Raschka, achim.raschka@nova-institut.de

Free booths for the first ten exhibitors and early bird!

Register before the end of the year and take advantage of an exclusive early bird discount of 15%. On the top of that, free exhibition booths are available for the first ten exhibitors!

Please contact: Dominik Vogt, dominik.vogt@nova-institut.de

Innovation Award “Bio-based Material of the Year 2017”

For the tenth year running, the Innovation Award “Bio-based Material of the Year” will be granted to the young, innovative bio-based chemicals and materials industry for finding suitable applications and markets for bio-based products. The focus of the award is on new developments within these areas, which had been launched in 2016 or will be launched in 2017. Producers and inventors of innovative bio-based materials and products are invited to hand in their application until end of February.

Please contact: Linda Engel, linda.engel@nova-institut.de

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