Building a reputation as one of the most important UK based industrial biotechnology meetings in the calendar and attracting key players and influencers in the UK and global bioeconomy, IBioIC’s Annual Conference (25-26 January 2018) is bringing together a unique mix of academia, industry and supporting organisations under one roof, to hear about and explore the potential opportunities for IB in Scotland as well as the global landscape of the industry.
Returning in 2018, IBioIC’s conference will take place on Thursday 25 & Friday 26 January in Glasgow, with registration set to open early in October 2017.
The Conference Steering Group is now inviting authors to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations at IBioIC 18. All abstract submissions can be made through the online site and should be relevant to the following topics:
- C1 Fermentation
- Synthetic Biology
- New Developments in IB
- Company Showcase (IBioIC members only)
All abstracts should include a title, one theme from the list selected, a list of authors, a biography & headshot and a 250 word abstract submitted in text format only. No graphs, figures, images should be used.
The deadline for abstract submissions is midnight, Monday 11 September 2017.
For general queries relating to the submission process, please see the FAQ section on IBioIC’s website, or contact Ashley Jackson at IBioIC.