The BBIA has joined the Food Waste Coalition and submitted a letter to Environment Secretary Michael Gove, calling on the government to ‘fast track universal food waste collections’.

The Food Waste Coalition has brought together more than 40 companies, organisations and local authorities – including Iceland, Ecosurety, Greenpeace, the Confederation of Paper Industries, Wigan Council, Novamont and more – to demand the inclusion of mandatory food waste collections in the upcoming Resources and Waste Strategy.

As the Coalition continues to grow, the BBIA sent a letter to Environment Secretary Michael Gove outlining the group’s objectives. On behalf of the BBIA, Managing Director David Newman wrote: ‘The Resource and Waste Strategy is imminent and we understand it is now passing through a process of revision before publication prior to the Christmas holidays, we assume.

‘Many of those interested in the outcomes of the Strategy have been discussing amongst ourselves how best we could contribute to what you have yourself said is a “once in a lifetime opportunity” to ensure the UK has a long-term plan for its resources and wastes management.

‘One of the key elements is getting food waste collection and treatment right, for a whole series of reasons: climate change, recycling targets, better management of dry wastes, renewable energy production, topsoil recovery through composting, waste reduction and prevention, new employment and not least, respecting the new Waste Framework Directive time line of 31.12.2023 for mandatory food waste collections across the EU.

‘We know and understand the challenges: LA funding, existing contractual obligations, collection methodologies, treatment options and others. But they are not insurmountable if the political will to tackle food waste is shown and central government leadership is given.

‘A wide ranging group has come together as the Food Waste Coalition to send one simple, core message to you and the government: “We call on the government to fast track universal food waste collections”.

The full list of members of the Coalition can be viewed here, while the BBIA’s letter to Environment Secretary Michael Gove can be viewed in full here.