
Andy Sweetman

Marketing Manager, Packaging & Sustainability at cellulose-based film producer Innovia Films

Andy Sweetman graduated from the University of Southampton with a degree in Modern Languages and holds the Diploma in Packaging Technology from the UK Institute of Packaging. He has worked in the packaging industry for over 25 years, principally in the field of sales and marketing management, based in both the UK and continental Europe

Over the past 15 years, he has been closely involved with the development and commercialisation of Innovia Films’ range of renewable and compostable films, marketed under the NatureFlex™ tradename.

Between 2009 and 2013, Andy was Chairman of ‘European Bioplastics’, the official Trade Association that promotes the use of biodegradable and biobased materials throughout Europe and beyond.

He was elected Chairman of the UK’s Biobased and Biodegradable Industries Association (BBIA), which was founded in 2015.

Andy speaks regularly on the subjects of packaging and sustainability at conferences and events in Europe, the Americas and Australasia.